Monday, October 27, 2008



Another way to solve this problem is to Make Sure the Courses Offered Suit the Demand of Market

In order to solve the unemployment problem, the Ministry of Higher Education should bear the burden of solving it too. The Ministry needs to make sure that the courses offered in universities are suitable to the demand of market. According to Hansard, an official report for Parliament proceedings, that is why a fourth deputy vice-chancellor post has been created in four research universities in Malaysia. Beside foster the ties between universities and industries, more graduates can also cater the needs of industries. So, the Ministry of Higher Education should make sure that the demand of the industries is balance with the courses offered.

The Impact On Family


another impact when unemployment among graduate in Malaysia happens..

Unemployment could also harm the harmony of a family. For the past few years, we can see many of the family tragedies unfolded before our eyes, and our hearts go to the innocent people especially the children. Lacking of work and boredom among young husband are the direct causes of violence in family. Parents often fight or argue for money and it will make the children grow up in an unhealthy situation. Finally, the parents decided to divorce and this brings a long term effect to their children.

For the young undergraduates, unemployment can affect their relationship with their parents and other family members. Most of the young undergraduates will feel shame when they cannot secure a job and at the same time, they will begin to feel stress. For example, there are some cases where they kill their parents because they lost their patience on their parents who keep asking them to work.
From there, we can see how unemployment can harm a happy family and it also let us understands the seriousness of the problem.